Mask, Politics, and Fashionista

11 June 2020


Mask, Politics, and Fashion Writing: Eko Sulistyodi Era Pandemi Covid-19, face masks are a means to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But in the hands of designer fashion, the mask is not only a face cover to protect from viruses, but becomes a fashion trend that has its own "style". As for the United States (US), a mask is a political symbol that represents political actions on how to deal with Covid-19 among the supporters of the liberal and conservative camps. In the article on, May 8, 2020, "Face Masks Make a Political Statement in Era of Era of Coronavirus ", President Donald Trump has refused to wear a mask on several occasions. Trump believes that the image and opportunities are re -elected can be damaged if wearing a mask because it will be considered more concerned with public health than economic recovery. Conversely, former vice president Joe Biden called Trump "stupid" because he surrendered to "fake masculine" behavior rather than wearing a mask. For Trump supporters, refusing to wear a mask is an attitude to show a republican, and the desire to reopen the country`s economic activities. As for liberal supporters, maximum preventive measures and longer locking will slow down the spread of viruses. Mask and debate "Health versus Economy" has become a new aspect in the cultural war in the United States since this country has been declared infected with Covid-19. Since the world was hit by Covid-19, many countries have imposed the use of masks to their citizens in public places. This is to prevent the transmission of droplets of the SARS-COV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Although its effectiveness is still being debated, the mask has become part of lifestyle changes other than washing hands and maintaining physical distance in adapting to Covid-19. Different from politicians, now fashion designers are starting to design the display of the mask as part of a fashion trend that has art creativity . They see market opportunities from mask trends that can bring profits in the middle of Pandemic. They seemed to deconstruct the opinion that an open face represents modernity and liberation from religion, patriarchy, or others. As written by The Economist in two articles in the May 30, 2020, "Masks and Covid-19" and "Paris Masked", there are facts It is interesting that the mask market is developing well in the world fashion center in Paris. Since the French government required a mask causing in public places on May 11, Paris is elegant and has a high taste has replaced a pale blue surgery mask with the display of adjusting "Coronavirus Chic". Black Masks later became one of the fashion trends in the fashionable area of ​​the French capital. When President Emmanuel Macron stopped by a school wearing a dark blue mask with a small French flag in its corner, the manufacturer was flooded with requests for orders. Now many models of mask are limited in Paris with Breton lines, the symbol of French military style is sold out in a matter of minutes. Now many countries where the government requires people to wear masks when in public spaces. Many people think masks protect them from bad things in the air. But in the case of Covid-19, virus transmission is caused by droplets and not air transmission. The person who is most likely to be infected is the one who has made significant contact with someone infected. The MMASKER holds the breathing drops that carry the virus, so it is at a more secure risk. In a normal period, the government must conduct a random test to the public to get strong evidence before deciding a new policy in the health sector. But because it is not a normal time, and the need for speed makes it impossible. The success of East Asian countries in controlling COVID-19, has supported the argument for the use of masks. In Japan with the culture of wearing the most powerful masks in the world, it has succeeded in becoming one of the countries with the lowest level of Covid-19 infection in the world. In many cities in East Asia, masks have been used for years to protect from pollution or disease. In West, wearing masks like foreigners. But in all countries where the mask becomes a common habit, the Covid-19 epidemic can be reduced quickly. As written by Alfred W. Crosby (2003), "America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918", the mask is also a symbol of patriotism and plays a role in suppressing the Spanish flu Pandemic 1918 and 1919 in the US. The posters are printed with a picture of men and children with calls, "Use a handkerchief and do your part to protect me!" In addition to Paris, in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, in early May also took place a special fashion week according to the Covid-19 period (The Jakarta Post, 6/5/2020). Without the catwalk, only billboards and no luxury costumes on display, except only face masks. Twenty-one billboards are scattered around the city of UNESCO`s world heritage displays photos of men, women and children wearing masks as part of "Mask Fashion Week". MMASKER can appear creative in the fashion industry and new lifestyle during Pandemi. ——-- The author is a historian and deputy at the Presidential Staff Office (2015-2019).*Has been published in Bisnis Indonesia on June 11, 2020 Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unssplash