PT Kawasan Industri Medan

PT Kawasan Industri Medan

PT. Medan Industrial Estate is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) with an industrial estate management service business sector established on October 7, 1988 with a share composition consisting of 1 share Seri A (Dwiwarna) owned  the Government of the Republic of Indonesia,  PT Danareksa (Persero) 59,99%, the Provincial Government of North Sumatra 30%, and the Medan City Government 10%.

Along with the establishment of this area, the higher the interest of investors to invest in North Sumatra. To date, PT. KIM already owns an area of 1000 hectares with an occupancy of 72% which will continue to develop both with its own efforts and in collaboration with private parties who are experienced in the development of industrial estates.

Kunjungi Website

Portofolio PT Kawasan Industri Medan

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