The FDA has granted emergency use authorization for remdesivir

04 Mei 2020


The Food and Drug Administration has granted emergency use authorization for Gilead Sciences" remdesivir drug to treat Covid-19, Trump announced. The EUA means that remdesivir has not undergone the same level of review as an FDA approved treatment. However, doctors will be allowed to use the drug on patients hospitalized with the disease even though the drug has not been formally approved by the agency. (CNBC) Steven Mnuchin is likely to boost the govt’s quarterly round of debt auctions to unprecedented levels this week to finance a deficit that’s set to surpass estimates of $4 trillion for this year as lawmakers discuss additional economic stimulus. (Bloomberg) BI is committed to preparing cash needs (outflow), which is predicted to reach Rp157.96 trillion in the Eid period this year, down by 17.7% (YoY) compared to last year"s period. These needs have taken into account the anticipated needs during the month of Ramadan, the Eid holiday and the Government"s policies and stimuli to the public during the period of handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the implementation of the PSBB. (BI) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Research  

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