Indonesia’s BOP in the Second Quarter of 2020 Recorded a Surplus of US $ 9.2 Billion

19 Agustus 2020


The Government has held an SBSN auction on August 18, 2020 for series SPNS05022021 (reopening), PBS027 (reopening), PBS026 (reopening), PBS025 (reopening) and PBS028 (reopening). The incoming bid was Rp 49.4 trillion, higher than the incoming bid from the previous SBSN auction (August 4, 2020), which was Rp 39.8 trillion. However, the total won at the August 18’s SBSN auction was Rp 9.5 trillion, less than the previous SBSN auction, which was Rp 11 trillion. Meanwhile, the yield of 10-year Government bonds on August 18, 2020 reached 6.75%, down 9 bps from August 4, 6.84%. Indonesia"s Balance of Payments (BOP) in the second quarter of 2020 recorded a surplus of US $ 9.2 billion, after experiencing a deficit of US $ 8.5 billion in the previous quarter. The improvement in BOP’s performance is supported by a decrease in the current account deficit (CAD) which reached US $ 2.9 billion in the second quarter of 2020 as well as a large capital and financial account surplus. In line with the BOP’s surplus, the position of foreign exchange reserves at the end of June 2020 increased to US $ 131.7 billion. (Bank Indonesia)   Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Research