The Issuance of Government Securities (SBN) in the First Half of 2020 Reached Rp 630.5 trillion.

03 Juli 2020


The Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) recorded the realization of the issuance of Government Securities (SBN) in the first half of 2020 reached Rp 630.5 trillion. The realization of the country"s debt reached Rp 1,530.8 trillion, or equal to 41.2% of the total gross SBN target in 2020. The debt achievement from January to June 2020 came from auctions purchased by the domestic market, retail SBN, and foreign currency SBN. Director of Strategy and Portfolios of Financing DJPPR at the Ministry of Finance Riko Amir said that the realization of SBN can be seen from the results of the issuance of global bonds amounting to the US $ 4.3 billion. (Kontan) U.S. yields fell on Thursday, reversing an earlier uptick, as more traders began to doubt the longevity of nonfarm payroll gains amid persistent unemployment claims and a spike in coronavirus cases. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note slipped to 0.669% and the yield on the 30- year Treasury bond ticked lower to 1.429%. (CNBC) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Research Photo by Evgeny Nelmin on Unsplash