Junk bonds still outside the ECB’s quantitative easing universe

24 April 2020


Junk bonds will remain outside the European Central Bank’s quantitative easing universe for now, even after changes to rating criteria that make recently downgraded bonds eligible as collateral for liquidity operations. Wednesday’s decision applies only to lending operations, an ECB spokesman said. The central bank said Wednesday it would accept debt ranked as low as BB, two steps below the investment-grade threshold, as collateral for its loans to banks, as long as they held an investment-grade rating on April 7. (Bloomberg) The Federal Reserve will disclose the names of borrowers from its emergency lending facilities backed by U.S. taxpayer money from the $2.2 trillion coronavirus rescue bill, following congressional pressure for transparency. The Fed will publish the names and details of participants in its facilities set up in the CARES Act, as well as the amounts that were borrowed and the interest rate charged on its website at least every 30 days. It will also report the overall costs, revenues, and fees of each of the facilities. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Research