Q2-2020: US Treasury expects to borrow $2,999 billion in privately-held net marketable debt

08 Mei 2020


During the April – June 2020 quarter, US Treasury expects to borrow $2,999 billion in privately-held net marketable debt, assuming an end-of-June cash balance of $800 billion. The borrowing estimate is $3,055 billion higher than announced in February 2020. The increase in privately-held net marketable borrowing is primarily driven by the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, including expenditures from new legislation to assist individuals and businesses, changes to tax receipts including the deferral of individual and business taxes from April – June until July, and an increase in the assumed end-of-June Treasury cash balance. (US Dept. of treasury) The Federal Reserve is about ready to fire up its promised corporate debt-buying program, and the market is starting to get excited. Following through on an announcement it made nearly a month ago, the central bank said Monday it will start its Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility "in early May." The Primary Market Credit Facility will begin "soon thereafter." The announcement sparked a move higher in funds that track high-yield debt and anticipation over how such an unprecedented effort would be carried out. (CNBC) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Research