Realization of State Expenditures Reached 39.02% of the APBN

21 Juli 2020


Based on Press Conference in July 2020, the realization of state expenditures at the end of June 2020 is Rp1,068.94 trillion or around 39.02% of the APBN Perpres 72/2020’s plan, growing 3.3% (yoy). The increase in the realization of the Govt Expenditure is driven by the realization of social funding aid which reached Rp99.43 trillion or grew 41.04% (yoy). Meanwhile, the realization of the state budget deficit in June 2020 reached Rp257.76 trillion, or around 1.57% of GDP. The realization of budget financing in June 2020 reached Rp416.18 trillion (40.05% of the APBN-Perpres 72/2020’s plan). It is driven by debt financing of Rp421.55 trillion, which consists of the realization of SBN (net) of Rp430.40 trillion and loan realization (net) amounted to negative Rp8.85 trillion. (MoF) EU leaders meeting in Brussels for a second day were inching closer to a deal for a 750 billion-euro ($860 billion) stimulus package after the Dutch government indicated support for the direction of the negotiations. A new proposal unveiled on Saturday, which would keep the overall size of the fund the same but reduce the amount distributed as grants by 50 billion euros. The new plan would see 450 billion euros disbursed as grants and an EU official said it was garnering considerable support around the room. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Research Photo by Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash