The room for Bank Indonesia monetary easing is still open

20 Mei 2020


The room for Bank Indonesia"s monetary easing is still open. However, the central bank chose not to take advantage of this opportunity this month. Tuesday (5/19) yesterday, BI announced it would keep the reference price, aka BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate, at 4.5%. Thus, the lending facility interest rate is 5.25%. "This decision considers the need to maintain exchange rate stability amid the uncertainty of global financial markets. Although BI sees room for a decline related to the need to encourage economic growth this year, "BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said on Tuesday (5/19). (Kontan) US stocks fell for the first time in four sessions after reports circulated that Moderna Inc.’s vaccine study, which was credited in Monday’s rally, didn’t produce enough critical data to assess its success. Crude oil and Treasuries gained. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite turned negative in the last hour of trading, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average extended its losses. Crude oil rose for the fourth day. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Research